In a world increasingly on edge, Allen would like to dedicate this song to "world peace."
Allen makes no disillusionment about "world peace." But he does hope the song will join the voices that call out our common humanity, our common bonds, and our common destiny. The more we recognize we are follow brothers and sisters, the less we will be afraid of each other, the sooner we find peace.
Beethoven had once pronounced “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” Also, “Music can change the world.”
Allen hopes this song find and support the people that actively nudge the world toward toward "world peace" everyday.
Walking past the mountains and the seas;
A voice came falling over me;
I looked farther than I have ever dared;
No longer lonesome and afraid.
We are all children of this World;
So proud how we have all so grown;
But I sense fear and war cries in the air;
Drowning the world in an old despair.
See the mountains and the rivers through the World;
Flowing from the blue skies to the seas;
Giving life to all the tribes in al the lands;
The small the meek the big and the strong.
All the nations form one tapestry;
Their rituals and voices join in one;
I dream of a river of love and peace;
One common Destiny joining you and me.
See the mountains and the rivers through the World;
Flowing from the blue skies to the seas;
Giving life to all the tribes in all the lands;
The small the meek the big and the strong.
See the mountains and the rivers through the World;
Flowing from the blue skies to the seas;
Giving life to all the tribes in all the lands;
One Destiny shared between you and me.